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Pricy vs Pricey: Meaning And Differences

Pricy vs Pricey: Meaning And Differences

Are you confused about whether to use “pricy” or “pricey” in your writing? It’s a common dilemma that many writers face. In this article, we’ll explore the difference between these two words and help you choose the right one for your writing.

We should clear up the confusion. Both “pricy” and “pricey” are correct spellings of the same word. However, “pricey” is more commonly used and accepted in standard English.

“Pricy” means expensive or costly. It’s a colloquialism that is often used in informal settings. On the other hand, “pricey” also means expensive or costly, but it’s the more formal and accepted spelling of the word.

Now that we’ve established the difference between the two, let’s dive into why it’s important to use the correct spelling in your writing.

Define Pricy

When we talk about the word pricy, we are referring to something that is expensive or costs a lot of money. This term is commonly used to describe products or services that are considered to be on the expensive side of the pricing spectrum. In some cases, the word pricy can be used interchangeably with the word expensive, but it can also be used to describe something that is considered to be slightly more expensive than what is typically expected.

Define Pricey

The term pricey is also used to describe something that is expensive or costs a lot of money. However, the word pricey is generally used to describe something that is considered to be very expensive or at the top end of the pricing spectrum. When something is described as pricey, it is usually considered to be more expensive than what is typically expected or what is considered to be reasonable.

Here is a table that highlights the key differences between pricy and pricey:

Term Definition Usage
Pricy Expensive or costs a lot of money Used to describe products or services that are considered to be on the expensive side of the pricing spectrum. Can be used interchangeably with the word expensive, but can also be used to describe something that is slightly more expensive than what is typically expected.
Pricey Very expensive or at the top end of the pricing spectrum Used to describe something that is considered to be more expensive than what is typically expected or what is considered to be reasonable.

How To Properly Use The Words In A Sentence

Using the right word in a sentence is crucial to convey the intended meaning. Often, people get confused between similar-sounding words, such as pricy and pricey. In this section, we will discuss how to use these words correctly in a sentence.

How To Use Pricy In A Sentence

Pricy is an adjective that means expensive. It is used to describe something that is costly or high-priced. Here are some examples of how to use pricy in a sentence:

  • The new restaurant in town is quite pricy, but the food is worth it.
  • I wanted to buy the latest smartphone, but it was too pricy for my budget.
  • She bought a pricy designer dress for the wedding.

As you can see from the examples, pricy is used to describe the cost of something. It is often used to indicate that something is expensive compared to other similar items.

How To Use Pricey In A Sentence

Pricey is also an adjective that means expensive. It is a synonym for pricy and can be used interchangeably in most cases. However, there are some subtle differences in usage. Here are some examples of how to use pricey in a sentence:

  • The hotel room was a bit pricey, but it had a great view of the city.
  • He bought a pricey watch as a gift for his wife.
  • The artwork at the gallery was too pricey for my taste.

As you can see, pricey is also used to describe the cost of something. However, it is often used to indicate that something is expensive in an exaggerated or excessive way. It can also be used to describe something that is luxurious or high-end.

Overall, both pricy and pricey are correct spellings of the same word, and they can be used interchangeably in most cases. However, it is essential to use them appropriately to convey the intended meaning and avoid confusion.

More Examples Of Pricy & Pricey Used In Sentences

In this section, we will provide you with a plethora of examples that showcase the usage of pricy and pricey in sentences. These examples will help you understand the context in which these words can be used and how they can be incorporated into your everyday language.

Examples Of Using Pricy In A Sentence

  • The restaurant’s menu was pricy, but the food was worth every penny.
  • I had to pass on the designer handbag because it was too pricy for my budget.
  • My friend’s taste in fashion is impeccable, but her choices are always pricy.
  • The concert tickets were pricy, but the experience was unforgettable.
  • The hotel room was pricy, but the view from the balcony was breathtaking.
  • My car’s repair bill was pricy, but I couldn’t afford to buy a new one.
  • The wine list at the restaurant was pricy, but the sommelier helped us choose a great bottle.
  • The spa services were pricy, but the relaxation was well worth it.
  • The shoes were pricy, but they were made with high-quality materials.
  • My friend’s taste in wine is exquisite, but her choices are always pricy.

Examples Of Using Pricey In A Sentence

  • The new smartphone is a bit pricey, but it has all the latest features.
  • I decided to splurge on the pricey concert tickets, and I’m so glad I did.
  • The designer dress was too pricey for me, so I opted for a similar, more affordable one.
  • The hotel’s room service was a bit pricey, but the food was delicious.
  • The airline’s first-class seats are quite pricey, but the extra legroom is worth it.
  • The restaurant’s prix fixe menu was a bit pricey, but it included several courses.
  • The jewelry at the boutique was a bit pricey, but it was all handmade and unique.
  • The car’s maintenance costs are a bit pricey, but it runs like a dream.
  • The spa’s facial treatments are a bit pricey, but they leave your skin feeling rejuvenated.
  • The shoes were a bit pricey, but they were on sale, so I couldn’t resist.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

When it comes to using the words “pricy” and “pricey,” people often make the mistake of using them interchangeably. However, these two words have different meanings and should not be used in place of one another.

Using “Pricy” Instead Of “Pricey”

The word “pricy” is often used to describe something that is expensive. However, this word is not recognized by many dictionaries and is considered incorrect by some grammar experts. The correct word to use in this case is “pricey.”

For example, instead of saying “That dress is so pricy,” you should say “That dress is so pricey.”

Using “Pricey” Instead Of “Pricy”

On the other hand, some people make the mistake of using “pricey” to describe something that is not necessarily expensive. The word “pricey” specifically refers to something that is expensive and not worth the cost.

For example, instead of saying “I bought this shirt for $50, it’s so pricey,” you should say “I bought this shirt for $50, it’s a bit pricy but worth it.”

Tips To Avoid These Mistakes

  • Use “pricey” to describe something that is expensive and not worth the cost.
  • Use “pricy” to describe something that is expensive but worth the cost.
  • When in doubt, use “expensive” instead of “pricy” or “pricey.”

Context Matters

When it comes to choosing between “pricy” and “pricey,” context is everything. The decision between these two words depends on the setting in which they are used and the connotations that they carry.

Examples Of Different Contexts

Let’s take a closer look at some examples of different contexts and how the choice between “pricy” and “pricey” might change:

Context Choice between “pricy” and “pricey”
Formal writing Use “pricey”
Informal conversation Either “pricy” or “pricey” can be used
Marketing copy Use “pricy”
Product reviews Either “pricy” or “pricey” can be used, depending on the tone of the review

As you can see, the choice between “pricy” and “pricey” is not always straightforward. In formal writing, “pricey” is generally preferred as it is considered more correct. However, in marketing copy, “pricy” may be used to create a sense of exclusivity or luxury. In informal conversation, either word can be used depending on personal preference.

Product reviews are a particularly interesting case as the choice between “pricy” and “pricey” can depend on the tone of the review. If the review is positive and the writer is highlighting the value of the product, “pricey” might be used to indicate that the product is worth the investment. On the other hand, if the review is negative and the writer is criticizing the high cost of the product, “pricy” might be used to emphasize the negative aspect of the price.

Exceptions To The Rules

While there are general rules for using pricy and pricey, there are some exceptions where these rules might not apply. Here are some explanations and examples for each case:

1. Regional Differences

The use of pricy and pricey can vary depending on the region. In some parts of the world, one term may be more commonly used than the other. For example, in British English, “pricy” is rarely used, while “pricey” is more common. In American English, both terms are used interchangeably.

2. Contextual Differences

The context in which pricy and pricey are used can also affect their usage. For instance, in the context of luxury goods, “pricy” might be more appropriate as it conveys an air of exclusivity and high value. On the other hand, “pricey” might be more suitable in casual conversations or when referring to everyday items.

3. Personal Preferences

Personal preferences can also play a role in the choice between pricy and pricey. Some people might simply prefer one term over the other, regardless of the context or region. It is important to note, however, that using the wrong term in a particular context can affect the message being conveyed.

4. Historical Usage

Historical usage can also be a factor in the choice between pricy and pricey. In some cases, one term may have been more commonly used in the past, but has fallen out of use over time. For example, “pricy” was more commonly used in the early 20th century, but “pricey” has since become more prevalent.

5. Branding And Marketing

Branding and marketing strategies can also influence the choice between pricy and pricey. In some cases, a particular term might be used to create a certain image or appeal to a specific target audience. For example, a high-end luxury brand might use “pricy” to convey exclusivity and sophistication, while a more affordable brand might use “pricey” to appeal to budget-conscious consumers.

Overall, while there are general rules for using pricy and pricey, it is important to consider these exceptions and use the appropriate term based on the context, region, personal preferences, historical usage, and branding strategies.

Practice Exercises

Now that you have a clear understanding of the difference between pricy and pricey, it’s time to put your knowledge to the test. Here are some practice exercises that will help you improve your understanding and use of these words in sentences:

Exercise 1:

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence:

1. The restaurant was too ______ for my budget. a. pricy b. pricey
2. I found a ______ watch at the thrift store. a. pricy b. pricey
3. The hotel room was ______, but it had a great view. a. pricy b. pricey
4. The new phone is ______, but it has all the latest features. a. pricy b. pricey

Answer key:

  • 1. b
  • 2. b
  • 3. a
  • 4. a

Exercise 2:

Write a sentence using pricy and a sentence using pricey:

  • Pricy: The designer dress was too pricy for my budget.
  • Pricey: The new car was a bit pricey, but it was worth the investment.


In the first sentence, pricy is used to describe something that is expensive and not affordable for the speaker’s budget. In the second sentence, pricey is used to describe something that is expensive, but worth the investment.

By completing these practice exercises, you’ll be able to confidently use pricy and pricey in your writing and conversations.


In conclusion, the difference between pricy and pricey is subtle yet significant. Pricy is considered informal and is often used in casual conversation, while pricey is more formal and commonly used in written language. It is important to understand the nuances of language and grammar to effectively communicate in any setting.

As language is constantly evolving, it is crucial to continue learning and expanding our knowledge. By staying informed about grammar and language use, we can improve our communication skills and avoid common mistakes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Pricy and pricey have similar meanings but differ in formality.
  • Pricy is informal and commonly used in spoken language.
  • Pricey is formal and more appropriate for written language.
  • Understanding language and grammar nuances is important for effective communication.
  • Continuing to learn about language and grammar can improve communication skills and avoid common mistakes.