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Authorisation vs Authorization: Meaning And Differences

Authorisation vs Authorization: Meaning And Differences

When it comes to spelling, it’s easy to get caught up in the nuances of language. One common area of confusion is the difference between “authorisation” and “authorization.” Both words are used frequently, but which one is correct?

The answer is that both spellings are technically correct, depending on where you are in the world. “Authorisation” is the preferred spelling in British English, while “authorization” is used in American English. Regardless of which spelling you choose, the meaning is the same: the act of giving official permission or approval for something.

Throughout this article, we’ll explore the differences between authorisation and authorization, and how they’re used in various contexts.

Define Authorisation

Authorisation refers to the act of granting permission or approval for a particular action or transaction. It is the process of giving someone the power or right to do something. In the context of business, authorisation is often used to refer to the approval of a financial transaction or the granting of access to certain resources or information.

Define Authorization

Authorization is a variant spelling of authorisation, and both terms are used interchangeably in many contexts. In general, authorization refers to the same concept as authorisation: the act of granting permission or approval for a particular action or transaction. The main difference between the two terms is that authorization is the preferred spelling in American English, while authorisation is more commonly used in British English.

How To Properly Use The Words In A Sentence

Using the right spelling and meaning of a word in a sentence is crucial to effective communication. While both “authorisation” and “authorization” have the same meaning, the difference lies in the spelling. In this section, we will discuss how to use these words correctly in a sentence.

How To Use Authorisation In A Sentence

The word “authorisation” is commonly used in British English, while “authorization” is more commonly used in American English. However, both spellings are correct and can be used interchangeably.

Here are some examples of how to use “authorisation” in a sentence:

  • The bank requires authorisation from the account holder before any transactions can be made.
  • The authorisation process for the new software update took longer than expected.
  • Without proper authorisation, employees are not allowed to access confidential information.

As you can see, “authorisation” is often used in the context of giving permission or approval for something.

How To Use Authorization In A Sentence

The word “authorization” is the preferred spelling in American English, but it has the same meaning as “authorisation.”

Here are some examples of how to use “authorization” in a sentence:

  • Before boarding the plane, passengers must show their authorization to travel.
  • The company’s security policy requires authorization before accessing any sensitive data.
  • The authorization process for the new credit card took only a few minutes.

Like “authorisation,” “authorization” is often used in the context of giving permission or approval for something.

It’s important to note that the context and audience will determine which spelling to use. If you’re writing for an American audience, it’s best to use “authorization.” If you’re writing for a British audience, “authorisation” is the preferred spelling.

More Examples Of Authorisation & Authorization Used In Sentences

Understanding how to use authorisation and authorization in sentences correctly can be confusing. Below are some examples of how these words can be used in different contexts.

Examples Of Using Authorisation In A Sentence

  • The manager gave authorisation for the employee to access the confidential files.
  • The bank requires authorisation from the account holder before transferring funds.
  • The government agency denied authorisation for the construction project due to environmental concerns.
  • The security guard asked to see authorisation before allowing the visitor to enter the building.
  • The airline requires authorisation from the passenger before making any changes to their itinerary.
  • The software requires authorisation from the administrator before allowing any updates to be installed.
  • The doctor’s office requested authorisation from the insurance company before proceeding with the treatment plan.
  • The authorisation code was sent to the customer’s email address for verification purposes.
  • The employee was terminated for accessing the database without proper authorisation.
  • The school district requires authorisation from parents before releasing any student records.

Examples Of Using Authorization In A Sentence

  • The company granted authorization for the use of their trademark in the advertisement.
  • The court issued a warrant for the police to search the suspect’s property with proper authorization.
  • The authorisation process was streamlined to improve efficiency.
  • The employee signed the authorization form to allow the company to conduct a background check.
  • The bank requires authorization from the account holder before closing the account.
  • The software requires authorization from the user before accessing certain features.
  • The authorization code was used to confirm the purchase of the product.
  • The government agency granted authorization for the construction project to proceed.
  • The customer service representative had the authorization to issue a refund to the dissatisfied customer.
  • The airline requires authorization from the passenger before issuing a boarding pass.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

When it comes to using the words “authorisation” and “authorization,” many people tend to use them interchangeably. However, this can lead to confusion and incorrect usage. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

Using “Authorization” When Referring To Legal Documents

One common mistake is using “authorization” when referring to legal documents. In legal contexts, “authorisation” is the correct spelling. Using “authorization” in this context can lead to confusion and legal issues.

Using “Authorization” In British English

In British English, “authorisation” is the correct spelling. Using “authorization” in British English is incorrect and can make your writing appear unprofessional.

Using “Authorization” When Referring To Computer Systems

Another common mistake is using “authorization” when referring to computer systems. In this context, “authorisation” is the correct spelling. Using “authorization” can lead to confusion and errors in computer systems.

To avoid these mistakes, it is important to pay attention to the context in which you are using these words. Here are some tips:

  • Check the spelling of the word in the context you are using it.
  • Use “authorisation” when referring to legal documents and in British English.
  • Use “authorization” when referring to computer systems.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you are using these words correctly and avoid confusion and errors in your writing.

Context Matters

When it comes to choosing between the words “authorisation” and “authorization,” context plays a crucial role. Depending on the context in which they are used, the meaning and usage of these two words can vary significantly.

Examples Of Different Contexts

Let’s take a look at some examples of different contexts and how the choice between authorisation and authorization might change:

Legal Documents

In legal documents, the choice between “authorisation” and “authorization” can depend on the jurisdiction in which the document is being drafted. For example, in British English, “authorisation” is the preferred spelling, while in American English, “authorization” is more commonly used. However, it’s worth noting that both spellings are considered correct in both regions, and the choice often comes down to personal preference.

Business and Finance

In the context of business and finance, “authorization” is typically the preferred spelling. For example, a bank might require authorization from a customer before processing a transaction. In this context, “authorization” is used to describe the act of granting permission or approval for something to happen.

Technology and Cybersecurity

When it comes to technology and cybersecurity, both “authorisation” and “authorization” are commonly used. However, “authorization” is often used in the context of access control and user permissions. For example, a software application might require authorization from an administrator before granting access to certain features or data. In this context, “authorization” is used to describe the act of granting or revoking access to a resource.

Academic Writing

In academic writing, the choice between “authorisation” and “authorization” can depend on the style guide being used. For example, the Oxford style guide prefers “authorisation,” while the Chicago Manual of Style prefers “authorization.” However, as with legal documents, both spellings are considered correct, and the choice often comes down to personal preference.

Overall, the choice between “authorisation” and “authorization” depends on the context in which they are used. While both spellings are considered correct in most regions, the preferred spelling can vary depending on the context and personal preference.

Exceptions To The Rules

While the rules for using authorisation and authorization are generally straightforward, there are some exceptions where they may not apply. In these cases, it’s important to understand the context in which the words are being used to ensure accuracy and clarity in communication.

Examples Of Exceptions

Here are some common exceptions to the rules:

1. Legal Terminology

In legal terminology, the use of “authorisation” is more common than “authorization.” This is because “authorisation” is the preferred spelling in British English, which is the standard in many legal documents and contracts.

For example, a legal document might use the phrase “this agreement is subject to the authorisation of the board of directors,” rather than “this agreement is subject to the authorization of the board of directors.”

2. Technical Jargon

In some technical fields, such as computer science or engineering, “authorization” may be used exclusively to refer to specific processes or procedures. In these cases, using “authorisation” could cause confusion or miscommunication.

For instance, a software developer might use the term “authorization code” to refer to a specific type of security measure in a program, rather than “authorisation code.”

3. Regional Spelling Differences

While “authorization” is the standard spelling in American English, some publications or organizations may prefer to use “authorisation” for stylistic or branding reasons. This is particularly true for companies or publications with a British or international audience.

For example, a British-based news outlet might choose to use “authorisation” in their style guide, even if it’s not the standard spelling in American English.

While the rules for using “authorisation” and “authorization” are generally straightforward, there are some exceptions to be aware of. By understanding the context in which these words are used, you can ensure accuracy and clarity in your communication.

Practice Exercises

Now that we have a clear understanding of the differences between authorisation and authorization, let’s practice using these terms in sentences. The following exercises are designed to help you improve your understanding and use of these terms.

Exercise 1: Fill In The Blank

Complete the following sentences by filling in the blank with either authorisation or authorization.

  1. The company requires ___________ from the CEO before making any major decisions.
  2. Without proper ___________, employees cannot access sensitive information.
  3. The bank granted ___________ to the customer to withdraw funds from their account.
  4. The government agency is responsible for granting security clearances and ___________ for classified information.

Answer Key:

  1. authorisation
  2. authorization
  3. authorization
  4. authorisation

Exercise 2: Multiple Choice

Choose the correct form of the word (authorisation or authorization) to complete each sentence.

  1. The ___________ process can take several weeks to complete.
  • a) authorisation
  • b) authorization
  • Only employees with proper ___________ can access the secure server.
    • a) authorisation
    • b) authorization
  • The bank requires ___________ before approving a loan.
    • a) authorisation
    • b) authorization
  • The ___________ code is required to unlock the door.
    • a) authorisation
    • b) authorization

    Answer Key:

    1. b) authorization
    2. a) authorisation
    3. b) authorization
    4. a) authorisation

    By practicing these exercises, you can improve your understanding of when to use authorisation versus authorization in different contexts. Remember, authorisation is typically used in British English, while authorization is more commonly used in American English.


    In conclusion, the difference between authorisation and authorization is primarily a matter of spelling. Authorisation is the correct spelling in British English, while authorization is the correct spelling in American English. However, it is important to note that both spellings are considered acceptable in many other English-speaking countries.

    It is also important to be aware of the context in which these words are used. Authorisation and authorization are both related to the granting of permission or the act of giving someone the power to do something. However, authorisation is often used in a legal or official context, while authorization is more commonly used in everyday language.

    When it comes to grammar and language use, it is always important to be mindful of the differences between different varieties of English. This includes not just differences in spelling, but also differences in vocabulary, grammar, and syntax.

    Key Takeaways

    • Authorisation and authorization are two different spellings of the same word.
    • Authorisation is the correct spelling in British English, while authorization is the correct spelling in American English.
    • Both spellings are considered acceptable in many other English-speaking countries.
    • Authorisation is often used in a legal or official context, while authorization is more commonly used in everyday language.
    • It is important to be mindful of the differences between different varieties of English when it comes to grammar and language use.

    By continuing to learn about these differences and striving to use language correctly and effectively, readers can improve their communication skills and better understand the nuances of the English language.